Customer ratings for railway stop "Wilhelmsthal"
Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 5
from Wolfgang Hess on 29/12/2023
Sehr schöner Haltepunkt für eine meiner Nebenstrecken auf denen der Samba fährt.
Sehr Gut!!
from Ingo Witt on 23/06/2022
Sehr schöner Bausatz. Passgenau mit verständlicher Bauanleitung.
Superb Kit!
from Anonymous on 05/01/2014
The laser cutting is so precise that it makes assembly of kit an absolute pleasure. It is a little gem of a building to enhance my layout. Well done Joswood, I will be purchasing more of your kits in the future.
All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.